Games Executive Summit

Back to a better place

«Back to a Better Place» signifies our commitment to not just return to the former glory of the European video game industry, but to elevate it to unprecedented heights. This new era aims to be marked by sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation. We envision a future where the industry thrives in a more responsible and equitable manner, ensuring that our growth benefits everyone involved – from developers to players, from small indie studios to large corporations, across the continent.

The slogan also pays homage to our journey. It acknowledges the formation of our think tank in Tenerife in 2022, a pivotal moment that laid the groundwork for our current endeavors. As we gather once again, this time in the picturesque town of Nerja, we celebrate the progress we’ve made and the stronger community we’ve built. The choice of Nerja, a location different yet equally enchanting as Tenerife, symbolizes our journey of continual improvement and adaptation within Europe.

The summit is a call to action for all stakeholders to contribute to a future where the industry is not only prosperous but also a force for positive change in society across Europe.

Why Industry Leaders Choose to Participate in GESE

The Games Executive Summit Europe (GESE) attracts industry leaders from across the digital entertainment spectrum for several key reasons, making it a valuable opportunity for new leaders as well.

  1. Thought Leadership and Insightful Discussions: GESE offers a platform for deep discussions about industry trends, challenges, and opportunities through panels, seminars, and workshops.
  2. Networking and Collaboration: The summit gathers influential professionals, fostering unparalleled networking opportunities and collaborations that can lead to innovative projects and partnerships.
  3. Inspiration and Innovation: The serene and picturesque setting of Nerja stimulates creativity and fresh thinking, providing leaders with new ideas, strategies, and perspectives.
  4. Contribution to Industry Evolution: Participants actively shape the direction of industry standards, practices, and innovations, positioning themselves as key influencers in the sector.
  5. Exclusive and High-Quality Experience: GESE offers a curated program of unique sessions, insights, and premium networking opportunities, ensuring a productive and enjoyable experience.
  6. Privacy and Confidentiality: GESE will be held behind closed doors, with no media presence, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of all conversations. This setting allows for candid and open discussions, fostering a trusting environment where leaders can freely share ideas and insights.

Public Engagement and Dissemination: Without breaking the privacy and confidentiality of the conversations, GESE will contribute to broader reflection by creating and sharing consensual notes on the main conclusions reached. This approach ensures valuable insights are disseminated to the wider community while maintaining the integrity of the private discussions.

For new leaders, GESE offers a rich environment of knowledge, connections with top professionals, and insights that can significantly impact their careers and organizational growth, making it a gateway to being part of a distinguished community driving the future of digital entertainment.

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