Origin and Objectives

The Games Executive Summit Europe (GESE) is a European think-tank initiative, created in 2022 by an influential group of European games industry leaders looking to reflect on the evolution of interactive entertainment and on its role in present and future societies.

In its first edition, held in November 2022 on the island of Tenerife, brought together an exclusive group of 50 multidisciplinary profiles. The event, referred by some media as a “Davos for the gaming societies”, was notable for offering a program of unique experiences, innovative formats, and inspiring conversations that connected the social phenomenon of video games with European values, culture, and economy.

The declared objective of this unique community of leaders and thinkers was to incubate a strategic forum, open to the participation of diverse fields of knowledge and influence within Europe, something that was achieved and led to insightful and intense conversations kept in time.

Given the success of this initiative, the next edition of GESE will be held in Nerja-Málaga (Spain) on October 16-19, 2024, counting with continued support from Tenerife’s Summit group and renewed participation of European creators, founders, investors, and executives.

The slogan for our upcoming Summit, «Back to a Better Place» encapsulates a profound and multi-layered vision for the future of the European video game industry. This phrase reflects our collective ambition not merely to recover from the recent challenges that have impacted our sector, but to emerge stronger and more resilient, aspiring towards a new era of excellence within Europe.

Nerja: The Perfect Setting for GESE

The choice of Nerja as the venue for the upcoming Games Executive Summit Europe (GESE) 2024 is justified by several compelling factors. Firstly, the town’s inspiring natural beauty and rich history provide an ideal backdrop for reflection and innovation. Nestled along the stunning coastline of the Costa del Sol, Nerja offers breathtaking views and a serene environment that fosters creativity and thoughtful discussion.

Secondly, the region of Málaga is rapidly emerging as a hub for talent and technological enterprises. This growth enhances the appeal of Nerja as a location that not only embodies natural splendor but also symbolizes progress and opportunity within the tech industry. The region’s dynamic development makes it an attractive destination for leading professionals and innovators from across Europe.

Lastly, the “Balcón de Europa, a prominent landmark in Nerja, holds significant symbolic value for European leaders. This iconic viewpoint, which offers panoramic vistas of the Mediterranean Sea, represents a metaphorical ‘balcony’ from which Europe can envision and shape the future of the gaming and digital entertainment industries. The desire of these leaders to «look out» from the Balcón de Europa underscores their commitment to broader perspectives and collaborative progress.

In summary, Nerja’s captivating environment, Málaga’s burgeoning status as a tech and talent magnet, and the symbolic resonance of the Balcón de Europa collectively make it a fitting and inspiring choice for GESE 2024.

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